Growth Cycle: A community for Freelancers, Agencies, and Product Builders w/ Lifetime Access

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Whether you're a freelancer doing it on your own, running an agency, or thinking about shifting from freelancer to building your agency – it's not an easy journey. The path is filled with challenges, questions, and obstacles that can leave you feeling overwhelmed and unsure of your next steps.

This is where a community like this becomes vital to navigating the world of freelancing and agency craziness. Imagine having access to:

→ Resources to help you run your business more effectively.
→ Live chat with all community members, fostering collaboration and support.
→ Access to top freelancers and agency operators who have been in your shoes.
→ Events with guests from all walks of the agency and freelance world, sharing their insights and experiences.
→ Insights into marketing, sales, and making a real profit, so you can grow your business sustainably.

And much more, all designed to help you succeed on your freelance or agency journey.

Before I start listing those 100+ things, let me tell you my story...

In 2016, I started as a freelance project manager for a variety of eCommerce brands and SaaS businesses. Two years later, I started asking myself, "What if I started an agency?" But with that question came a hundred others, mostly things like:

"Do I need to hire people?"
"What tools do I need to use to manage everything?"
"How do I find clients?"
"How much do I charge?"

And so on...

I didn't have any resources to help me get off the ground in 2018. I had to navigate the space by myself, learning on the job. And yes, that's part of running a business, but looking back, it would have been nice to have a community where I could ask questions and cut through some of the noise. That noise cost me a lot of time and money to figure out – money I didn't have.

When I landed a client, I wasn't sure about anything: how much I needed to charge to turn a profit, how complex the job was, what if I wasn't fit for the job, and whether my developers and designers were cut out for this. It was all a big guessing game, and it took me more than eight months to carve out my little corner of the agency world.

The worst part was that I didn't document much of anything. I had nothing to show for when I hired people—no workflow, no process, nothing—just a bunch of Slack messages, emails, and flying by the seat of my pants. Although there is something beautiful about the hustle, it's also very time-consuming and digs deep into your pockets.

Now, when I look back, I think to myself, "Man, I wish there was a community or place where I could have gotten valuable resources on simple things like how to write a proper scope of work, how to hire and onboard people, and how to manage clients a bit better." I would have paid $5,000 for that type of access, knowing what I know now.

Eventually, I was able to turn things around, and my agency grew to 26+ people and did 7-figures in revenue by 2021. It was a tough, long road, with a lot of failures and a lot of learning along the way. But those experiences are helping me shape this community the right way to help people with their journey.

Now, I feel like it's my duty to help the next freelancer get there faster. To help the next agency tune up their operations, their pricing, and make more money while running a healthier business. I want to create the resource I wish I had when I was starting out.

So, if you're a freelancer struggling with any of the things that I struggled with, or maybe you're ready to turn it up and start your own agency, this community is for you. And you don't have to pay $5,000. You don't even have to pay $1,000.

Join now and get lifetime access for $299. Never pay for anything else that happens inside the community.

I want this!

One-time payment of $299 and you get lifetime access and all resources.

Agency Starter Kit (Course)
Coming soon... no extra cost to community members
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Growth Cycle: A community for Freelancers, Agencies, and Product Builders w/ Lifetime Access

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I want this!